Blue Maestro

⚙ Melee Marvel of Magitek ⚙

Adventure - Technology - Long Term

VOLUME WARNING: Song may be loud, mind your volume!


Name: Natsumi Yumitori / Natia jen Ferrus
Common Name: Natsu
Alias: Blue Maestro
Race: Miqo'te (Half Garlean)
Job: Swordsman
Pronouns: She/Her | They/Them
Birthplace: Kawa-no-Sato, Doma
Height: 5'10"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Age: 21
Occupation: Magitek Salvage and Repair, Adventurer
Combatant Type: Trained Ranged and Melee - Firearms, Gunblades, Katana, Hand to Hand
Religion: None
Patron Deity: None
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Aether Affinity: Water
Spoken Fluency 
Eorzean Common:Fairly Fluent

Notable Features

⚙ Many who look upon the Maestro are left with the question of “who” quite unanswered. She is a confusing individual to look at, flamboyant and extravagant attire melded with the metal and leather equipment of her mechanical trade. She has been seen in azure coat of presumably Ishgardian origin, yet other accounts suggest she wears a Doman smock instead. Often is she seen with a pair of ruby goggles settled upon her forehead.Rarely does she part with a Garlean gunblade on her back, though some times she can be spotted with a revolver on her person, and an Ishgardian aetheroconverter at the hip and primed for use.Some have tried to place an origin upon the Maestro, but even this is puzzling; her features and speech point to Doman roots, yet her fondness for magitek is better known among their Imperial oppressors. Even her Miqo’te features may seem strange to the trained eye, though subtle to most, for the fur of her ears and tail feels thin, the pupils of her bright blue eyes seem smaller than expected of a Keeper, and she’s markedly tall for her kin. Yet for all the scrutiny this might earn, it has yet to diminish the mysterious Miqo’te’s passion for the art of her craft, and the purpose of her revolutionary spirit.Scars are scattered upon her form, dotting her face as well as sprawling across her body as a whole, with a peculiar collection gathered at the base of her Miqo'te ears.


Please reach out on Discord if you have any questions. The hooks are there for you to use!

Daughter of Doma

A child of the Garleans' occupation, the Maestro looks like a Doman, speaks like a Doman, but rarely acts like a Doman. Most who hail from Doma would probably be able to tell the Maestro's bizarre blend of Doman and Garlean culture. Some might even be able to recall her sordid role in the occupation.

Girl of Garlemald

Most would remember "the Maestro" as a persona non grata, a terrorist wielding stolen machina. Few could remember her face in the Garlean academies for magitek. Even fewer would remember who she was before her introduction to machina. Perhaps an old classmate - or a citizen with good memory - could notice her?

The Terrible XIIth

To citizens of Doma and Ala Mhigo, hers is a face that can likely be counted among the imperial occupiers that maintained the Empire's iron rule. To members of the XIIth Legion, hers is a face with a memorable name, perhaps with memorable deeds. Would you remember?

Ally of Ala Mhigo

Some in Ala Mhigo would remember the XIIth Legion's magitek engineer, who fought under the command of its deranged leaders. Others might recall a bizarre maestro of machina, astride a stolen magitek armor, pledging herself to the liberation effort.Since then, she has chosen the path of a warrior against tyranny, and has not strayed from it. Which life might you remember?

Marvelous Machina

The Maestro of what, you ask? What else - the Maestro of Machina! Never is she seen without her weapons, devices, and self-made inventions. If one has heard of the Maestro, they have heard of her magitek armor. Today, she makes much of her gil through magitek salvage and repair from hostile environments.Perhaps you've engaged in rigorous discourse of all things machina with her? Or is it business you wish to conduct?


Click names for carrds, if these characters have one.

Antonius rem Ferrus

Status: Unknown
Occupation: Primus Pilus
An officer of the XIIth Legion who contributed to the occupation and rule over Doma. Early into her childhood he spirited her away to Garlemald, where he sheltered Natsu throughout her childhood. It is widely believed his station was the pull that brought her into the XIIth Legion.

Mitsuha Yumitori

Status: Unknown
Occupation: Doman Shinobi
A descendant of Keeper Miqo'te who, some generations past, migrated to the Far East and settled in Doma. It is not fully understood what Mitsuha felt for her daughter, or the man who conceived her, only that she left Doma behind long ago.

V'thyra Lharah

Status: Active
Occupation: Hunter-Scholar
An Ala Mhigan Seeker of the Sun, Thyra and the Maestro are partnered primarily as self-made adventurers looking to make their way in the world. Despite their differences of origin, they maintain a mutual friendship and respect for one another.

Aeris Nohr

Status: Active
Occupation: The Punch Catte
A Keeper from even more distant origins, Aera and Natsu became friends over a shared passion for sporting combat, enjoying the thrill and competition of friendly battle. Often Natsu hopes to impress Aera in the ring, be it whenever her eyes are on her, or even when they challenge one another.

Spader Hedge

Status: Active
Occupation: Storyteller
Few are full of curiosities as the enigmatic Keeper in a hat, and with an energy to complement the Maestro's, Natsu finds a close friend in the illusory storyteller. More than a friend, however, Spader proves to be a model Miqo'te, helping Natsu to find greater acceptance towards herself.

Songfeng Li

Status: Active
Occupation: Trade Diplomat
A fellow Doman encountered in Ishgard, the Maestro swiftly bonded with the Hrothgar over their shared language, and customs she scarcely practiced. Such was this new friendship that reminded her of what it was to be Doman, that it drew forth something long since hidden by the Maestro.

OOC Information

In-Game Name: Natsu Yumitori
Home Server: Mateus
Current Story Progression: Endwalker
Discord: vallison

- I very much enjoy participating in and telling stories, short or long-term, light or dark; I'm definitely open to participating in combat and adventures. I'm mostly looking for a traditional Final Fantasy experience of quests, adventure, and playing fun jobs.
- I love conflict in RP! Please ask before initiating first, though, as I may be involved in something with someone else.
- Social stuff is something I can take in small doses, but I find it goes much smoother with more active, story-driven RP to balance it out.
- Natsu is a character with the Echo, and I am happy to work with other characters who have the Echo. Just make sure to ask before offering a vision or receiving one!
- World RP is cool. If you catch me in the world and I’m not in character, feel free to poke me and ask!
- I am over 21, but ERP is not an option.